Boca de culo de gallina – a small mouth (vulgar)
Bola de billar – bald
Bola de manteca – a ball of fat (heavy person)
Cabeza de huevo – egghead
Caer en oidos sordos – to fall on deaf ears
Cabeza de pollo – dumb
Casperín – like Casper the ghost (a very white person)
Cejas de perico – thick eyebrows
Cejijunto –having eyebrows that meet
Colmilludo – big eye teeth like Dracula
Como dios lo trajo al mundo – naked or in birthday suit
Cuatro culos – to have a big butt (offensive)
Cuatro ojos – foreyes (glasses)
Cuellilargo – having a long neck. The term is also used for a type of bottle
Cuerpazo – a good body Buena carrocería or chasis are also used
Cuerpo de almohada vieja – to have a bad body
Cuerpo de gallina – to have no hips
Dientes de ardilla – big front teeth
Dientes de maíz – to have undersized teeth
Dientón – to have big teeth
Dumbo – big ears
Enano – a short person or a child
Fósforo – a skinny person
Frentón – to have a big forehead
Las paredes tienen oídos or las paredes oyen – the walls have ears
Meter las narices en lo que no te importa – to get into someone’s else’s business
Nacer por el culo – to be ugly (very vulgar and offensive)
Nadadora – flat as a board (insulting)
Narizón – a big nose
No tener pelos en la lengua – to speak one’s mind
No tener un pelo de tonto – to not be dumb
Oídos tísicos – to have big ears
Ojo por ojo, diente por diente – an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Ojos saltones – pop eyes
Ojos soñolientos – sleepy eyes
Orejón – big ears
Panza cervecera – a beer belly
Patas de mono – to have flat feet like a monkey
Patas de yuca – a person with very white skin on their feet.
Pecho de zapo – a big chest
Pelo de elote – unattractive hair
Plumero –someone with wild unruly hair. Actually a plumero is a duster.
Por la boca muere el pes – be careful what you say
Por un pelo no es mono – to be very hairy
Por una baba no es mono – same as the last one
Quemar las pestañas – to burn the midnight oil or cram for a test
Quien tiene boca se equivoca – if you have a mouth you are bound to make a mistake
Ser todo oídos – to be all ears
Sindi (sin dientes) – to have no teeth
Sin cejas – without eyebrows (some women). Snakes have no eyebrows.
Tener más entradas que el ICE or Tener más entradas que el aeropuerto Juan Santamaría – to have receding hair
Todo entra por la vista – everything is seen through the eyes
Trompudo – big lips
Versele el pensamiento – to be so bald you read a person’s thoughts
Related Tiquismos:
- A culo pelado – naked
- Anillo – anus
- Arrugar la jacha – to frown
- Cuerpo de tentación cara de arrepentimiento – a good body but ugly face
- Elena – a small person. Slang for enano
- Enjachar – to make a face at someone
- Feto – an ugly person (fetus)
- Jacha – face
- Jupa – head
- Jupón – a big head
- Maduro – male sex organ (vulgar)
- Momia – an ugly person
- No es la ropa, es la percha – it’s not the clothes but what’s underneath.
- ¿Para qué darle un peine a un calvo? – Why give a comb to a bald man?
- Pepa – female sex organ (vulgar)
- Picha – male sex organ (vulgar)
- Pichel –face (insulting)
- Quedar como un culo – to look like an ass or fool (vulgar)
- Rosca – male sex organ (vulgar)
- Volvérsele la rosca – when a man changes his sexual orientation (vulgar)