Appearances Can Be Deceiving

About a year ago I wrote an article about Spanish words that look like English words and appear to have the same meaning. Careful! Appearances can be deceiving. Below I have listed Spanish words most commonly misused by native English speakers.

Acostar – This word looks like it means “to accost.” It actually means to lie down or go to bed. La muchacha se acuesta (The girl is going to bed).

Afección – Does not mean affection. It usually refers to a medical condition. The Spanish word for affection is cariño.

Asistir – Doesn’t mean to assist but to attend (a party, school or event) in Spanish. La muchacha asiste a la universidad. (The girl attends the university).

Cargo – Is a job or position and not the English word “cargo.” Carga is the word used to denote a load or shipment.

Complexión – Is not your skin texture, but your physical shape or build. Cutis is the word most commonly used for complexion.

Copa – Referes to a glass for drinking alcohol. Taza is the correct word for cup.

Embarazado – This word does not mean “embarrassed” but pregnant. Me da pena or estoy apenado are the best ways to say you are embarrassed in Spanish.

Exito – Looks like “exit,” but means success. La salida is the “exit” in Spanish.

Tiquismo of the week:
Jetonear means to tell lies in Costa Rica. The correct Spanish verb is mentir or decir mentiras.