Street Spanish Part III

Below are more idiomatic expressions frequently used in everyday conversations by native Spanish speakers. This type of colloquial Spanish is often heard but not understood by beginning, intermediate or even advanced Spanish students.The phrases below will help you understand this modern slang.

Trabajar de sol a sol – to work nonstop.

Arrimarse a alguien – to kiss up to someone.

¡Es el colmo! – That’s the limit!

Dormir la mona – to sleep off a drunk.

Andar en boca de todos – everyone is talking about it.

Estar quebrado – to be broke (without money).

Tocar madera – knock on wood when someone wants to have good luck.

Perder el santo y la limosna – to loose everything.

No tener pelos en la lengua – to be frank or honest.

Tiquismo of the week:
Caerle la peseta a alguien, means to understand something