How Ya Do’in?

As you probably know by now, to ask someone how they are in Spanish you say, “¿Cómo está?” It is customary to answer this question by saying “muy bien” (very well) or “mal” (bad). However, just as in English there are other ways to tell people how you feel.
When someone asks you how you are, you can respond by saying after the phrase Estoy (I am):
fantástico – fantastic
bien – well
mal – not well
regular – o.k.
nervioso/a* – nervous
deprimido/a* – depressed
ocupado/a* – busy
preocupado/a* – worried
triste – sad
feliz, contento/a* – happy
cansado/a* – tired
débil – weak
así-así – so-so
* men use “o” and women use “a”.

You can also add emphasis to the words above by placing the following before them:
tan – so, un poco – a little, demasiado – too. For example, Estoy muy cansado – I’m very tired or Estoy un poquito cansado – I’m a little tired.

Tiquismo of the week: Estar detrás del palo means when a person doesn’t understand something.