Car Trouble

Having mechanical problems with your car is an unpleasant experience not to mention when you are in a country where English is not widely spoken . Memorizing the phrases and vocabulary below is an importamt Spanish survival skill which will help you communicate your car problems to your mechanic, emergency highway personnel, police or anyone else.

¿Hay un taller mecánico por aquí? – Is there a car repair shop around here?
mecánico – mechanic
mi coche está averiado, mi carro está descompuesto or mi carro no funciona – My car doesn’t work.
estación de gasolina, gasolinera or estación de servicio – gas station
no tiene gasolina – It’s out of gas
aceite – oil
agua – water
llanta desinflada or ponchada – flat tire
no arranca or no enciende – It won’t start.
La batería está muerta – The battery is dead.
arranque – starter
el parabrisas – windshield
Mi carro hace un ruido raro – My car is making a strange noise.
Necesito un carro de remolque/grúa. -I need a tow truck.
luces, faros – headlights
gato – jack
portaequipaje, baúl – trunk
quema aceite – It burns oil
¿Qué tiene mi carro? – What’s the wrong with my car?
el radiador – radiator
Huele a quemado – It smell like something is burning.
¿Cuánto tiempo tardará la reparación? – How long will the repair take?
¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much will it cost?
Los frenos no funcionan. – The brakes don’t work.
llanta de repuesto – spare tire

Tiquismo of the week:
Tajo in Costa Rica is a stone quarry. The correct word in Spanish is Cantera.