Daily, Weekly and Monthly Expressions

It’s well worth your while to memorize these phrases if you plan to travel or reside in a Spanish-speaking country. Knowing these expressons will help you keep appointments, make schedules, buy plane tickets, etc.

mediodía – noon
medianoche – midnight
a principios de (mayo) – at the beginning of May
a mediados de (julio) – in the middle of July
a finales de (agosto) – at the end of August
¿Qué día es hoy? – What day is it today?
el lunes – It’s Monday
el sábado que viene – next Saturday
el lunes pasado – last Monday
antes del sábado – before Saturday
después del viernes – before Friday
ayer – yesterday
anteayer – day before yesterday
mañana por la mañana – tomorrow morning
pasado mañana – the day after tomorrow

Tiquismo of the week: Tapis refers to an alcholic bererage in Costa Rica.