Learning Spanish from the TV

Next to practicing with native speakers, watching Spanish television programs is one of the best ways to learn the language.  All you have to do is own a television set and live in an area where there are Spanish stations.  If you reside in a Spanish-speaking country like Costa Rica, there are a variety of programs and channels from which to choose.  Even if you live in the United States, there are many Spanish cable TV stations available, especially in the west and southwest.

By viewing Spanish television you will have a chance to observe how Spanish is really spoken in a variety of daily situations.  Many of the structures and rules that you learn in Spanish classes will start to fall into place. You will also be able to improve you listing and comprehension skills. Above all, you will increase your vocabulary and see how words are used in many different contexts.

Here are some ways you can use your television to learn Spanish. A good exercise is to watch the news first in English, then in Spanish. The stories will basically be the same so you will know what is going on.  At first you will notice the reporters speak very quickly, but once you increase your vocabulary you will be able to keep up with what is being said in Spanish.

Speaking of vocabulary it is a good idea to keep a pen and paper handy to write down words or expressions that you don’t understand.  Jot them down and look up the meanings later.  This is an excellent method of increasing both your vocabulary and improving your comprehension skills.

Once you can understand the news in Spanish, you can then graduate to Spanish soap operas or telenovelas as they are called.  Don’t pay much attention to the trite, melodramatic parts but rather the dialogue and how Spanish is used by the characters in rea life situations.  Don’t worry if you get lost now and then because you can usually figure out what’s going on by watching the interaction between the actors and their gestures.

Try to view a variety of programs including cartoons and children’s programs, since the vocabulary and dialogue are easy to understand.

Tiquismo (Costa Rican expression) of the week: Colochos  are curls in your hair.