Echar: To throw something but almost always has to do with a forcible casting out or expulsion or pouring. I could write pages and pages about the many uses of this verb. Here are some of the most common expressions using echar.
Echar a alguien – to throw someone out of someplace or expel them.
Echar a cara o cruz – to flip a coin. Echar un volado means the same thing.
Echar a correr – to start to run
Echar a perder –to ruin or spoil something
Echar a pique – to sink or send to the bottom
Echar abajo – to demolish
Echar algo en cara – to reproach or to rub something in one’s face (figuratively speaking)
Echar chispas – to be very mad
Echar de cabeza – to let something out of the bag
Echar de menos – to miss a person or something
Echar el caballo – to make a pass at someone in Costa Rica
Echar el cuento – the same as the last one
Echar el guante a alguien – to catch someone
Echar el ojo – to have your eye on something
Echar flores – to praise
Echar en saco roto – to forget about something
Echar ganas – to show enthusiasm
Echar indirectas – to drop hints or insinuate
Echar la casa por la ventana – to spend lavishly or go all out on a party
Echar la culpa a alguien – to blame someone
Echar las cartas – to tell someone’s fortune
Echar leña al fuego – to add fuel to the fire (figuratively speaking)
Echar mal de ojo – to give the evil eye
Echar para aldelante – to keep going when things are rough
Echar patas – used when something get stolen in Costa Rica. It grew feet and walked away.
Echar raíces – to settle down
Echar suertes – to draw lots
Echar tierra a – to keep something quiet or hush up something
Echar un polvo – to have sex (vulgar)
Echar un sermón a alguien – to give someone a lecture or scold.
Echar una carta – to mail a letter
Echar una mano – to give someone a hand (help)
Echar una meadita – to urinate (vulgar)
Echar una pestaña – to sleep
Echarse – to lie down
Echarse a la calle – to become a prostitute
Echarse para atrás – to back out of a commitment
Echarse un solito – to play a musical solo.
Echarse un trago – to have a drink like a beer
Echarse una cana al aire – to have a fling
Echarse una siesta – to take a nap
¿Cuántos años le echa? – How old do you think he is?
Tiquismo of the week : Echar al agua means to tell or squeal on someone in Costa Rica