Acomodador: an usher in a theater
Acomodar: to seat someone in a theater
Acomodar: to put in place. For example : Acomoda bien las maletas en el carro (Put the suitcases carefully in the car)
Acomodarse: to adapt oneself. For example: él se acomodó a las circunstancias (He adapted to the circumstances)
Acomodarse: to make oneself comfortable For example: ¡Acomódese¡ (Make yourself comfortable or make yourself at home)
Acomodado: well-to-do. For example: Es una familia acomodada (It is a well-to-do family.)
Acomplejado: to have a complex or be neurotic
Apenado: embarassed
Comodamente: comfortably
Encajar: to fit in (figurative) Muchas personas encajan perfectamente aquí. (A lot of people fit in perfectly here.)
Estar como gallina en corral ajeno: to be out of place
Estar como pez fuera de agua: to feel out of place (like a fish out of water)
Estar como sapo en pozo ajeno: to feel out of place (like a toad in another well)
Estar en su elemento: To be in one’s element
Inadaptado: a misfit
Incomodar: to cause an inconvenience
Incomodidad: inconvenience
Incómodo: uncomfortable
Más incómodo que dormir con la suegra: More uncomfortable than sleeping with your mother-in-law
Más incómo que un trompo en el bolsillo: More uncomfortable than a top (for spinning) in your pocket
No encajar: not to fit in (figurative)
Quejarse: to complain
Quejón: a complainer
Sentirse fuera de lugar: to feel out of place
- Aunque esté bien sentado le duele el trasero – someone who always feels uneasy in any situation or complains no matter how good the situation is.
- Reunión de más de dos es revolución – two is company, three is a crowd. Tres es multitud means the same thing.