More Pachuquismos and Tiquismos

(Continued from last week)

Caballo means horse but is sometimes used for pants. Rucos is also used for pants in Costa Rica since it is also local word for horse.
Cabra means girlfriend but actually is a female goat
Cabro is used for boyfriend but really means a male goat
Caite is an old shoe
Cajón means box but is often used for coffin. The correct word for coffin is el ataúd
Cambiarle el agua al pajarito means to change the bird’s water or to urinate. Orinar is the correct way to say urinate. Mear is also used but is considered vulgar.
Le canta la gallina is literally “the hen sings to you” but in this case it means that a man’s wife wears the pants in the relationship
Capa caída means to be depressed or down. José anda de capa caída (Joe is down, depressed or sad). Andar con el moco caído means the same thing here.
Carajadas are “things.” The word Chunches is also used here. The correct Spanish word for things is “cosas.”
Carbonero is an agitator, trouble maker or person who adds fuel to the fire
Caribarro means a muddy face but is used to describe a “shameless” person.
Carnemolida is a person who messes up or ruins everything he or she touches or attempts to do.
Cáscara is nerve ¡Qué cásacara! What nerve! Cáscara is actually the skin or outer part of a piece of fruit
Cerote means excrement but is used for an evil of bad person (vulgar)