lacra – a thief or person with a bad reputation.
largarto – literally means lizard but in Costa Rica it can refer to a man who has all of the women for himself or someone who ‘hogs’ something
lance: conquista amorosa sin compromisos, generalmente poco oficial, ilícita. Pablo está casado pero trae un lance con una salvadoreña.
largo – far or very distant. La playa está muy largo. The beach is far away. The correct word is lejos.
lapicero – a ball point pen in Costa Rica Rica. The correct word is bolígrafo.
lata – a bus
lavado – broke. Synonym for limpio (see below)
lechero – lucky. Suertudo or afortunado are more commonnly used.
leñazo – a big blow. El leñajo en la jupa lo mandó al hospi. The blow to his head sent him to the hospital.
liga – Alajuela’s soccer team. This word is also used as a synonym for the city of Alajuela. Voy a jalar a la liga a ver la mejenga, mae. I’m going to city of Alajuela to see the soccer game, man.
liguista – a fan of Alajuela’s soccer team, la Liga Deportiva Alajuelense.
ligar – to pick up a woman
limpio – without money. Me quedé más limpio que chaqueta de salonero después de la andar de fiesta. I didn’t have any money left after partying.
litrógeno – a liter of guaro.
Locazo – a really crazy person
loco/a – literally means crazy but can mean a friend or companion. Loca can also mean an effeminate male. Hacerse el loco is to play dumb.
los vidrios –we’ll see each other later
de luna – in a bad mood José está de luna. Joe is in a bad mood. Estar de malas pulgas or estar de mal humor are also used to express the same idea.