Sun of a Beach

Adorador de sol – a sun worshiper
Al sol – in the sun. Estoy al sol or estoy bajo el sol. I am in the sun
Arrimarse al sol que más calienta – to know which side one’s bread is buttered
Bajo el sol – under the sun
Baño de sol – a sun bath
Brilla el sol – the sun is shinning
De sol a sol – from sunrise to sunset. José trabaja de sol a sol. Joe works from sunrise to sunset
El lado brillante de las cosas – the bright side of things
Gafas or lentes de sol – sunglasses
Girasol – sunflower
Hace or hay sol – it’s sunny
Insolación – sunstroke Insolarse is the verb to get a sunstroke
Luz solar – sunlight
Sol- the sun or a term of endearment said to one’s lover
No dejar a ni sol ni a sombra – to not leave someone alone or to keep a constant eye on them. No dejar en paz is also used.
Ponerse el sol – to set (the sun)
Puesta del sol – sunset or sundown
Quemadura de sol – sunburn
Rayo de sol – a sunbeam
Reloj de sol – sun-dial
Salida de sol – sunrise
Sol de media noche – midnight sun
Sol naciente – the rising sun
Tomar un baño de sol or asolearse – is to take a sunbath


Broncearse los glúteos – to tan one’s buns (butt)
Comprar el sol – used in Costa Rica when someone is wearing sunglasses when it is not sunny
Ni el sol me calienta – inconsolable or despondent