Tico Vocabulary Part 1

Aplanchar la oreja – to sleep
Aprete – to kiss
Argolla – a clique or group of people with similar interests
Armarse la gorda – to start a fight
Bagaces – a bum or lazy person
Bañazo – ridiculous or shame
Bateador – a person who guesses at something or who is uncertain
Bicho – a strange person or animal
Blanco – a cigarette. The correct word is cigarillo.
Brete – work (noun). The correct word is trabajo
Cabanga – sadness
Cabra – girlfriend. Novia is the correct word
Cambiarle el agua al pajarito (to change the bird’s water literally)– to urinate. Orinar or mear are the correct words.
Cañas – slang for colones (Costa Rica’s money)
Detrás del palo – lost or out of it
Dolor de huevos – a pain in the balls (butt). This expression is vulgar.

Expression of the week:
Dios aprieta pero no ahorca – God won’t deal you more than you can handle