Expressions with the verb “Dar” Part 3

The verb dar usually means “to give” in Spanish. However, it is used with many idiomatic expressions where it can mean something else.

Dar de palos or dar de puñetazos – to punch someone
Dar en el blanco – to hit the nail on the head or be right on target
Dar las gracias – to thank
Dar por hecho – to take for granted. Dar por sentado also means the same thing.
Dar rienda suelta a – to give free rein to
Dar un paseo – to take a walk
Dar un paso en falso – to take a false step
Darle a uno por hacer algo – to get into one’s head to do something
Darse – to surrender or give up
Darse con – to bump into something. Toparse con is also used.
Darse cuenta de – to realize
Darse por vencido – to give up
Darse prisa – to hurry up

Dar lata – to pester or bother
Dar pelota – to pay attention to
Dar vuelta a – to cheat on one’s mate or turn something