I can’t figure it out

Calcular – to calculate or work out. Most often used with math but can also be used figuratively. La mujer es muy calucaladora. The woman is sly, astute or calculating. A calculadora is a calculator. Cálculos are kidney stones or mathematical calculations. Según mis cálculos means according to my calculations. Finally, cálculo is branch of math called calculus.

Hacerle números – literally to crunch numbers or do the math. In a figurative sense in means to figure something out or calculate. For example, El gato está observanado su presa y haciéndole números. The cat is trying to figure out how to catch his prey.

Sacar cuentas – literally to figure out the bill or do the math. It can also mean to “add things up” so they make sense or figure out something.

Deducir – to figure out by the process of deduction.

Ver – Usually means to see but can be used like this: José está viendo si tiene suficiente dinero para comprar un carro. Joe is try to see or figure out if he has enough money to buy the car.

Ingeniárselas – to figure out or manage to. José se las ingenío para conseguir una beca. Joe figured (managed to) out a way to get a scholarship.

I hope all of the above makes sense.


Pulseador – a person who works hard. It comes from the verb pulsear which means to make a big effort or work hard. Pulseador is also an arm wrestler so pulsear means to arm wrestle. Un pulso is an arm wrestling contest. Pulso also means a person’s pulse. Tome el pulso means to take someone’s pulse. Tomar el pulso a la opinión means to take a poll to see the public’s opinion. Encuestar (to poll) mean the same thing.