Nouns to Verbs

caveman nounsIn Costa Rica we change many nouns to verbs. Some are quite amusing.

Bajear – to play the bass guitar or bajo.
Birrear – to drink beer. Birra is local slang for cerveza.
Cafetear – to drink coffee
Cangrejear – to hunt for crabs or cangrejos.
Cantinear – to drink in a bar. Comes form the word cantina which is a type of low-class bar.
Carnavalear – to take part in a carnival or carnaval
Chilear – to tell jokes. Chiles are jokes here. Don’t confuse this word with chile peppers.
Galletar – to eat cookies
Guacamolear – to eat guacamole
Mañanear – to get up early in the morning. Madrugar is another way of saying the same thing.
Mujerear – to chase after women
Rapear – to rap as in rap music
Roquear – to rock as in rock music.
Serenatear – to serenade someone. Comes from the noun serenata.
Solear – to take a musical solo
Tamalear – to eat tamales
Taquear – to eat tacos
Touristear – to tour like a tourist
Ventanear – to be window shopping. Ventana is a window.

* The are many other examples of nouns that can be turned into verbs.

Chichera – a low-life drinking establishment
Quemado – burned out or overkill
Quitado – someone who doesn’t want to participate in an activity or a type of party pooper