- Alborotar el panal is to cause an uproar or get someone angry. It Literally means to get the bees or wasps upset.
- Basurear is to talk trash to someone or insult them. This expression is often used in sports when one player tries to upset another with colorful language.
- Chingue is a kind of joking or kidding around.
- Dipu is short for diputado or member of congress.
- Enpijamar is to wear pajamas.
- Lágrimas literally means tears but in Costa Rica can refer to ” rocks or “stones.”
- Mecos are blows from a fist.
- Novio or pretendiente is a suitor or a person who is interested in buying something like a car or home.
- Pararsele la peluca literally means to have your hair stand on end but figuratively means to get upset or mad.
- Plomear is to shoot someone. This expression comes from the word plomo which means lead like the tip of a bullet.
- Soltar el perro means to pay someone. This expression is the opposite of amarrarle el perro a alguien or not to pay someone.
- Zafarrancho is a fight.
- Zapatos usually means shoes, but in slang this term can refer to a car’s tires.
Tiquismo or expression of the week
- Más concentrado que un cubo Maggi is to concentrare on something. Maggi is a company that makes those small cubes of concentrated chicken broth. The verbs enfocarse or concentrarse also mean to concentrate on something.
- No picar leña ni prestar hacha refers to someone who doesn’t do one thing or another
- Pararsele la peluca literally means to have your hair stand on end but figuratively is to get upset or mad. A José se le paró la peluca. Joe got upset.