- Acostar literally means to put someone to bed but it can also mean to murder by putting a person permanently to sleep.
- Cafetear is to drink coffee. Tomar or bebe café is better Spanish.
- Fiebrazo is a type of fanatic and usually refers to a soccer fan.
- Guicho is a stupid person.
- Jícara means face in Costa Rican slang. Tarro, jacha and pichel are also slang for a face. The correct Spanish words for face are cara and rostro.
- Palmo means to be dead and comes from the verb palmarse. Muerto/a is the most frequently used verb to express this idea in Spanish.
- Ponerla bonito is to do a good job or be good at something.
- Socollón is a shake or jolt like an earthquake. Meneón is also used.
- Soyla is a designated person who does a specific job of duty.