Batir barro – is to take a 4-wheel vehicle off road in muddy conditions. Batir barro literally means to beat or stir mud like you would beat an egg or cake batter.
Cachete – is a cheek but can also refer to a buttocks.
Como pulpería del pueblo – to be well-stocked like a mom and pop corner store. This phrase also refers to a woman with outstanding physical attributes.
Cuatro Plumas – slang for the Cacique brand of guaro which is type of local liquor made from sugarcane. Cuatro Plumas literally means four feathers and refers to the indian’s headdress on the label of a bottle of Cacique.
Doc – short for doctor just as in English
Echarse un tamarindo – to drink an alcoholic beverage
Gato casero – someone who performs an inside job (robbery)
Hospi – short for hospital
La caja de cambios – literally means the gear shit box of a vehicle but in Costa Rican it is slang your lungs
Lágrima – a tear but it can also be a rock or boulder.
Llorar a moco tendido – is to cry inconsolably
Puñal – is a knife but is also used to describe a person who is a backstabber.
Recetar – is to prescribe medicine but it can also mean to deal drugs or sentence someone to period in jail