- Cada quien jala para su saco – people look out for their own interests
- El Buenpa – short for Buen Pastor which is a local jail for woman.
- Empezar con la zurda – to start off on the wrong foot
- Echarle el pico a alguien – to squeal or tell on someone
- Estar pa el tigre – to be I bad shape
- Gato negro – a jinx or bad luck. It literally means a black cat.
- Jalar el mecate – to be strict
- Joyita or angelito – a criminal. Caco is also used
- Pegarse un ride – to take a spin or drive
- La Peni – prision
- Pochotón– a healthy or strong person
- Puris – short for the mountain town of Puriscal
- Recetarle leñazos – to beat someone

- Venderse a alguien – to sell out to someone. Vender el alma al diablo (sell your soul to the devil) is the same thing.