- A puro huevo – with a lot of effort
- Colado – a part crasher or someone who has not been invited
- Culo de gasolina – a woman who will not go out with a guy unless he owns a car (vulgar).
- Enjachar – to make a face at someone. Hacerle una cara means the same.
- Estar como una uva – to be well
- Famositico – famous
- Guato – dog Perro, Gua-gua and zaguate are also used here
- Lámpara – an excuse
- Maricucha – slang for marijuana
- Mechudo – long, unkept hair
- Perol – an old car on a jalopy
- Ponerle pecho en tierra – to arrest. Literally it means to put someone facedown on the ground.
- Ratero – a thief
- Resfriado – literally means to have a cold but it can also mean to be resentful
- Sacarse la rifa – to screw up
- Sacarle el menudo a alguien – to amaze someone
- Ser un jamón – to be easy. Jamón can also mean an odd job or ham.
- Troles – slang for feet
- Zarandear – to scold
Enjachar – to make a face at someone