- Aminovio or aminovia – a friend who like you boyfriend or girlfriend
- Buena estampa – a good looking person. La misma estampa is to look identical to someone.
- Burucha – wood shavings used to make Christmas decorations.
- En un abrir y cerrar de ojos – in a jiffy
- Enpalomar – to put someone in jail. Encarcelar is the correct verb.
- Esperar un toquecito – Wait a minute!
- Estar como las vacas – to screw things up
- Jumapellido – last name of person who like s to drink a lot of alcohol.
- Marinovia or marinovio – You girlfriend or boyfriend who is almost married to you.
- Pase – bus fare in Costa Rica. Pasaje is the correct word
- Pechonalidad – a woman with a nice bust/breasts
- Pega de chorizo – someone who is a good for nothing
- Pezeteño – a person from the city of Pérez Zeledón or San Isidro as it is sometimes called.
- Portal or pasito – a Christmas nativity scene. The correct Spanish word is nacimiento.
- Rodri – short form of the man’s name Rodrigo
- Se le subío el apellido – to get angry
- Yunaí – slang for the United States. In correct Spanish Los Estados Unidos