- Aserriceño/a – a person who lives in the town of Aserrí
- Botaratas – someone who wastes money or spends carelessly
- Candidatearse – to be a candidate for an office
- Chanear – to shine, spruce up or clean
- Chayotera – a person’s signature
- Chepear –to snoop or be nosey
- Cruzarle el caballo – to be an obstacle or to stop someone from doing something
- Goico – short for the area of Goicoechea
- Guindo – a ravene or gully
- Hacerle la cruz a – to avoid something
- Improvisados – amateur bull fighters
- Más torcido que el rabo de chancho – to be crooked literally and figuratively
- Motorizado/a – a person who delivers food or goods by motorcycle
- ¡Qué jeta! – Shut up!
- Tamalear – to eat tamales
- Tamarindear – to drink liquor
- Tenerle a uno hasta el copete – to bed fed up or sick of something
foto: eyleen vargas