Carga: excellent, nice, good, awesome ¡Qué carga! How excellent or good!
Cargado/a: loaded with money
Echarse flores: to praise ones self of be or proud of one’s accomplishments
Ir de paracaidista: a party crasher
¡Qué cargue otro con ese San Benito!: Let someone else deal with that problem.
¡Qué pacheco!: How cold!
Quedarse cuchito: to be quiet or silent
Quien quita un quite: There is a small chance or remote possibility
Quitarse el tiro: to avoid an obligation or commitment
Saber por donde va la procesión: to understand something or indication of what it is all about
Saberse el Carreño: to be a courteous person
Se descocheró algo: something broke or fall apart
Se estorrentó: to flee from something
Se me llenó la cachimba de tierra: my patience ran out
Se robó el mandado: to steal something like a woman or an idea from someone
Ser comesantos y cagadiablos: to be religious and sinner at the same time, i.e., hypocrite
Ser más duro que la carne de pescuezo: to be a bad person or situation
Trato hecho, zopilote güecho: a deal is a deal
Una verdad de tomo y lomo: without a doubt or “sin duda” in good Spanish
Vale más un mal arreglo que un buen pleito: a less than desired solution is better than a bigger problem
Volverse pura paja: to not keep a promise or B.S. Someone
Zamarrear a alguien: to deceive someone