Below are some terms translated from Spanish to help expats understand what local nespapers and television are saying about the pandemic.
- Anticuerpos: Antibodies
- Aislamiento obligatorio or forzado: Mandatory isolation
- Asintomático: To show no symptoms
- Autoaislamiento: Self-isolation
- Brote: An outbreak of a disease
- Distanciamiento social: Social distancing
- Encerrado, asilado, enclaustrado or guardado: To be cloistered or locked down at home
- Enfermedad transmisible or contagiosa: A contagious disease
- Epicentro: Epicenter of an outbreak (like New York City)
- Epidemia: Epidemic
- Epidemiólogo: An epidemiologist or person who studies diseases
- Escudo or carete protector: A type of facial shield
- Gel sanitizante: Sanitizing gel
- Inmune: Immune
- Inmunidad: Immunity
- Inmunidad de rebaño: Flock immunity
- Jabón antibacterial: Antibacterial soap
- Levantar la cuarentena: To lift a quarenteen
- Mantener la distancia social or conservar la distancia: To keep a social distance
- Mascarilla: A small mask to cover the mouth and nose
- Mortífero: Deadly
- Pandemia: Pandemic
- Poner en cuarentena: To quarantine
- Portador: A carrier of a disease
- Propagación, diseminación, extención: The speading of something like a disease
- Recuperarse, reponerse, curarse or ponerse bien: To recover from an illness
- Resurgimiento: A resurgence of a disease
- Recaída: A relapse
- Reabrir el país: To reopen a country
- Respirador: Respirator
- Sanitizar: To Sanitize disinfect
- Toser en el lado interior del brazo: Cough on the inside surface of one’s arm
- Trabajador de salud: Health care worker
- Vacuna: Vaccination
- Ventilador: Ventilator
- Virólogo: A virologist or person who studies viruses
- Virus: Virus