Vocho: A VW (Volkswagen) bug or beetle
Enroscarse: To go to bed or be in bed. It literally means to curl up. Acostarse is the correct Spanish verb for going to bed. Acostar can also mean to murder someone.
Fachento/a: A person who is a sloppy dresser
Fiesta, veo, fiesta sapeo: This is a new expression and has to do with stemming the spread of the Corona Virus by snitching on people who are partying.
Greñudo/a (adjective): A person with long hair. Greña (noun) is hair, especially if it is long.
Guardado/a: Locked down like in jail or at home because of the pandemic.
Más metido/a que la pobreza: A snoopy or nosey person
Más triste que un Viernes Santo: Sadder than Good Friday. In Costa Rica good Friday is usually a boring day because everything is closed.
Yunta: a couple. Pareja is another way to say it.
Zompopa: A large red leaf-eating ant.