Bachear – to fill potholes. Bache and hueco both mean pothole.
Buscar todos los números de la lotería – to look for trouble. We also say “buscarle tres pies al gato.”
Caites – slang for shoes. Cachos is also used. Zapato is the correct word for
Category Archives: Costa Rican Slang
More Costa Rican Slang
Barra libre – a type of “Happy Hour”
Botar el hugo – to stop working
Bujía del equipo – the spark plug of the team (player)
Cali – nickname for Carlos
Capi – short for the captain of a team or military or police rank
Deschingarse – to take
Some Costa Rican Slang
Alborotar el panal – to stir up or cause trouble
Canear – to be in jail
Drogo – Someone who takes drugs
Echarle el pico a alguien – to tell or squeal on someome. Cantar (to sing) is also used. Delatar is another way of saying the same thing
La faja de tiros
More Tico Tidbits
Azote – literally means a whip but can be a person who is attractive or draws a lot of attention
Chocobola – slang for soccer. Actually refers to a round chocolate candy wrapped in aluminum foil decorated to look like a soccer ball.
Deshuesadero – a chop shop for stolen cars
Guamazo –
More Costa Rican slang
A puras tejas – fantastic or great much like the saying pura vida or puros cienes
Andar en otras – to be distracted. Distraer is the correct verb.
Beis – short for baseball
Bronquero – a person who gets in fights
Chayotera – signature Firma