Category Archives: Vocabulary

Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. The idea of give readers a large dose of vocabulary is to improve their comprehension, ability to communicate better and learn idiomatic Spanish.

Happy and Sad

Happy (contento/a, feliz and alegre)

  • Brincar de una pata literally means to hop on one foot or jumping with joy.
  • Como niño con juguete nuevo is as happy as a child with a new toy. We also say como niño con zapatos nuevos which means like a child with a new pair
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Un puro chingue

  • Alborotar el panal is to cause an uproar or get someone angry. It Literally means to get the bees or wasps upset.
  • Basurear is to talk trash to someone or insult them. This expression is often used in sports when one player tries to upset another with colorful language.
  • Chingue
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