A rajatablas: to be in a hurry (adverb)
Cachetón/a: a person with big cheeks
Coligallero or orero: a goldminer
Colmilludo/a: smart or astute
Comprar a pagos de polaco: to buy something on time
Cuando la rana echa pelos: when a frog sprouts hair which means “never”
Category Archives: Vocabulary
Language and Culture
- Bandido: an astute person. Vivazo is also used.
- Bocón: is a person who talks a lot, big mouth or a snitch.
- Bombazo: is a violent car crash or collision.
- Carajo/a: is used to
To Get Angry
- Atravesar el caballo: to change the subject of a conversation
- Camellar: to work. Bret ear is also used frequently.
- Chapa: a useless person or a coin
- Chile: a joke
More Heady Words
A la cabeza: at the head of the class, line or page
Cabecear: to nod off to sleep
Cabeza de agua: a flash flood
Cabeza de ajo: a head of garlic
Cabeza de chorlito: scattered brain
Cabeza de ganado: head of cattle (number of cows)
Cabeza de familia: head of the family
Cabeza del puente: bridge head
Cazador de cabezas: head hunter
Con la cabeza bien alta: to hold one’s head high (figurative)
Dar en el clavo: to hit the nail on the head
De cabeza: head first
Escarmentar en cabeza ajena: to learn from other’s mistakes
Es mejor ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león: to be a big fish in a small pond. Another version: En la tierra de los ciegos el tuerto es rey (in the land of the blind the one-eye man is king).
Levantar la cabeza: to get back on one’s feet (economicallY)
Más vale 4 ojos que dos: to heads are better than one
No tiene pies ni cabeza: can’t make heads or tails of something
Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza: it has never crossed my mind.
Perder la cabeza: to lose one’s head (go crazy)
Quebrarse or Romperse la cabeza: to rack one’s brains.
Tener la cabeza llena de pájaros: to have one’s head in the clouds
Tocado de cabeza: to be touched in the head
Cabecear: to nod off to sleep
Cabeza de agua: a flash flood
Cabeza de ajo: a head of garlic
Cabeza de chorlito: scattered brain
Cabeza de ganado: head of cattle (number of cows)
Cabeza de familia: head of the family
Cabeza del puente: bridge head
Cazador de cabezas: head hunter
Con la cabeza bien alta: to hold one’s head high (figurative)
Dar en el clavo: to hit the nail on the head
De cabeza: head first
Escarmentar en cabeza ajena: to learn from other’s mistakes
Es mejor ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león: to be a big fish in a small pond. Another version: En la tierra de los ciegos el tuerto es rey (in the land of the blind the one-eye man is king).
Levantar la cabeza: to get back on one’s feet (economicallY)
Más vale 4 ojos que dos: to heads are better than one
No tiene pies ni cabeza: can’t make heads or tails of something
Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza: it has never crossed my mind.
Perder la cabeza: to lose one’s head (go crazy)
Quebrarse or Romperse la cabeza: to rack one’s brains.
Tener la cabeza llena de pájaros: to have one’s head in the clouds
Tocado de cabeza: to be touched in the head
Tiquismo (Costa Rican Expression) of the week:
Jupa or torre (tower) is one’s head in Costa Rican slang
Popular Costa Rican expressions that have stood the test of time (Part 2)
Hacer algo sin chistar: to do something silently
Ir de paracaidista: to crash a party or not be invited
La delicadeza no rima con franqueza: at times the truth is not sweet.
Le dicen caldo de riel: a miserly or cheap person
Más vieja que la maña de pedir fiado: To be very old
Mover cielo y tierra: To do the imposible to obtain something
Ningunear a alguien: to treat someone as if they were insignificant
No caga para que los zopilotes no coman: to be a miser or cheapskate (vulgar)
No hay mal que dure 100 años ni cuerpo que lo resista: all bad things will pass
No hizo ni culo: to not do anything or accomplish anything (vulgar)
No tener rabo que le majen: to not give anyone a reason to criticize you
Ojo al Cristo y mano a la chuspa: be careful with your money
Paga los platos rotos: to be responsible or pay for something that someone else did
Para el santo que es, con un repique basta: someone who is undeserving of your attention
¿Para qué quiere agua la laguna?: Why do rich people want more money?
Pelarse el rabo: to do something badly or poorly
Perder hacha calabaza y miel: to lose everything
Poner los pies en polvorosa: to flee
Ir de paracaidista: to crash a party or not be invited
La delicadeza no rima con franqueza: at times the truth is not sweet.
Le dicen caldo de riel: a miserly or cheap person
Más vieja que la maña de pedir fiado: To be very old
Mover cielo y tierra: To do the imposible to obtain something
Ningunear a alguien: to treat someone as if they were insignificant
No caga para que los zopilotes no coman: to be a miser or cheapskate (vulgar)
No hay mal que dure 100 años ni cuerpo que lo resista: all bad things will pass
No hizo ni culo: to not do anything or accomplish anything (vulgar)
No tener rabo que le majen: to not give anyone a reason to criticize you
Ojo al Cristo y mano a la chuspa: be careful with your money
Paga los platos rotos: to be responsible or pay for something that someone else did
Para el santo que es, con un repique basta: someone who is undeserving of your attention
¿Para qué quiere agua la laguna?: Why do rich people want more money?
Pelarse el rabo: to do something badly or poorly
Perder hacha calabaza y miel: to lose everything
Poner los pies en polvorosa: to flee