Category Archives: Vocabulary

Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. The idea of give readers a large dose of vocabulary is to improve their comprehension, ability to communicate better and learn idiomatic Spanish.

Devilish expressions

Abogado del diablo – the devil’s advocate. Ser el abogado del diablo – to play the devil’s advocate.
Correr como un diablo – to run like hell
Diablo – the devil
de los mil diablos – Something that is bad. Este niño se portó mal. Tiene la conducta de los mil read more

Caer and Falling

Part 2

In Spanish the verb caer usually means to “fall.” However, it is used in a number of idiomatic expressions.

Caer en la costumbre de – to fall into the habit of
Caer enfermo – To fall ill. Enfermarse is more commonly used.
Caer en saco roto or oidos sordos – to fall on death ears
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Caer – Part 1

In Spanish the verb caer usually means to “fall.” However, it is used in a number of idiomatic expressions.

Expressions with caer and “to fall.”
Caer como moscas – to drop dead like flies.
Caer de pie – to land on one’s feet.
Caer en desgracia – to fall from grace or disgrace.
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