Category Archives: Vocabulary

Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. The idea of give readers a large dose of vocabulary is to improve their comprehension, ability to communicate better and learn idiomatic Spanish.

Cycling in Costa Rica

The mayor of San José, just announced that a bike path or ciclovía will be built across San José along streets that are less traveled by automobiles, thus making it safer and easier to ride a bike through the capital. The bike lane will extend from the Law School at the University of Costa Rica in the eastern suburb of San Pedro to the read more

I can’t figure it out

Calcular – to calculate or work out. Most often used with math but can also be used figuratively. La mujer es muy calucaladora. The woman is sly, astute or calculating. A calculadora is a calculator. Cálculos are kidney stones or mathematical calculations. Según mis cálculos means according to my read more