Category Archives: Vocabulary

Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. The idea of give readers a large dose of vocabulary is to improve their comprehension, ability to communicate better and learn idiomatic Spanish.

Columbus Day Vocabulary

Columbus Day has a number of different names in the Spanish-speaking world. In Spain and Ecuador it is currently known as El Día de la Hispanidad (Day of Spanishness), in Mexico as the Día de la Raza (Day of the Race), in Chile as El Día del Descubrimiento de Dos Mundos (The Day of the Discovery of Two Worlds), and in Uruguay as El Día de las read more

More tico talk

¡déle!- Hurry up! Apúrese or Dese prisa are also used.
dar en el clavo – to hit the nail on the head
dar lata – to bother someone. Molestar and joder (vulgar) are also used. Lata usually means a tin can or a nuisance.
despichar/despicharse – To ruin, to screw up something
despiche – disaster, read more