Bailar – to deceive, trick or swindle someone
Boletear – to give a traffic ticket to someone. Ponerle un party is more common
Cologallero – a person who searches for gold or a prospector. Orero is also used.
Dar un filazo – is to stab someone. Apuñalar is the correct
Category Archives: Vocabulary
To be Climbing the Walls
Angelito literally is an angel but in Costa Rica can mean a child or criminal
Arrugar el pichel is to frown or make a face
Bolados are advice or tips
Botar el tapón or destapar el tamal mean to reveal or uncover information like corruption
Chelo is short for the name Marcelo
To be on its last legs
A cachete is something good or having everything
Chivearse is to get mad
Chorpa – is slang for jail in Costa Rica. El tabo is also slang for jail. La cárcel is the correct term.
Echarse un taco de ojo is to look at eye candy (women)
Espantárselais to scare
To be fed up with
- Aserriceño/a – a person who lives in the town of Aserrí
- Botaratas – someone who wastes money or spends carelessly
- Candidatearse – to be a candidate for an office
- Chanear – to shine, spruce up or clean
- Chayotera – a person’s signature
- Chepear
To Make Waves
Alborotar el panal is to make waves or cause an uproar
Bicha is a motorcycle
Burro is a person who is paid to transport drugs
Burros are type of shoe that has a thick sole with treads or hiking.
Cantar a todo galillo is to sign at the top of one’s lungs.