Category Archives: Spanish phrases

Start Speaking Today! Learn essential phrases, cultural insights and travel tips that you can find in our Guide to Costa Rican Spanish…

Tico Humor

A friend just emailed me this and I thought my readers would enjoy a good dose of tico humor.


To: Costa Rican Employees
From: Human Resources Department

Subject: New Policy using the Spanish language during working hours.

1. Words like “picha“, “ijueputa” and other such expressions will not be
used read more


Most often when you want to say that you are undecided the verb estar is used + indeciso/indecisa. For example, José está indeciso.. Joe is undecided or can’t decide.

However, there are a few Spanish idioms which express the same idea. Since the language is very idiomatic it is best to learn these forms in case you hear them used by a native read more