A mucho amor, mucho perdón – to be really in love you have to forgive defects
Adventura amorosa – a love affair
Amante – lover
Amor a primer mordisco – love at first bite
Amor a primera vista – love at first sight
Amorío – a love affair
Antes que cases mira lo que haces – look before you leap
Category Archives: Spanish phrases
Dirty Tricks (Trucos Sucios)
Aprovecharse de alguien – take advantage of someone
Apuñalar por la espalda – back stab
Atornillar a alguien – to screw someone (figuratively)
Calumniar – to slander
Cagarse en alguien – to “crap” on someone ( vulgar)
Comer vivo a alguien – to say bad things about someone
Comerle el culo a alguien
Scared to Death
Achicarse – to back down, chicken out or choke in sports
Acobardarse – to chicken out
Apendejarse – to act like coward
Asustarse – to get frightened or scared
Asustado – scared
Asustante – scary (adjective)
Comfortable and Uncomfortable
Acomodador: an usher in a theater
Acomodar: to seat someone in a theater
Acomodar: to put in place. For example : Acomoda bien las maletas en el carro (Put the suitcases carefully in the car)
Acomodarse: to adapt oneself. For example: él se acomodó a las circunstancias (He adapted to the circumstances)
¡Santo cielo! (My god!)
Since we are in holy week or Semana Santa the follow is appropriate.
Here are some of the definitions of the word santo: Perfect and free of sin. A person declared as such by the Church. A virtuous person. Said of a something that is dedicated to God or a holy service. Said of something that is venerated. Describing a religious