Abismo – abyss
Agrietarse – to crack
Albergue – shelter
Búsqueda y rescate – search and rescue
Aislado – cut off or isolated
Comportamiento – the behavior of a volcano, ocean etc.
Cráter – crater
Category Archives: Tips For Learning Spanish
Echar is a verb with many uses
Echar: To throw something but almost always has to do with a forcible casting out or expulsion or pouring. I could write pages and pages about the many uses of this verb. Here are some of the most common expressions using echar.
Echar a alguien –
Stupidity Estupideces
Spanish has a lot of ways to refer to stupidity. Below are some of the most common ones.
Aguacate – stupid in Costa Rica
Baboso – a slobbering fool
Bruto – stupid or rude
Burro – donkey or dumb-bell
Cabeza de cajón – a hollow head like a drawer
Cabeza hueca – a hollow head
Caído de la cuna – fallen
A new year, a new life
Año nuevo, mujer nueva – a new year, a new woman (humorous version of the next one)
Año nuevo, vida nueva – a new year, a new life
Comenzar el año nuevo con el pie derecho – start the new year with a bang (on the right
Spanish has no single word for the English verb ‘to become’. Below I am going to explain the different ways of expressing this verb. It takes a long time and a lot of practice to master this concept. Keep your eyes and ears opens and try to look for other examples of how these verbs are used in different situations and you will get the hang of