cajeta – something easy in Costa Rica
¡Cálmese! – Take it easy! Or Calm down!
cuesta abajo – it’s all downhill (easy)
del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho – easier said than done
del plato a la boca se pierde la sopa – also easier said than done
es más fácil que quitarle un confite a un bebé –
Category Archives: Tips For Learning Spanish
Troublesome Words and Expressions
ajustar cuentas – to square accounts (revenge)
alborotar el panal – stir up trouble
armar la gorda- also to cause an uproar
armar un lío – cause an uproar
armar una bronca – cause an up roar
atizar la hoguera – make trouble
bochinche – a fight or quarrel
bochinchero – a fighter
At the Movies and Theater
If you ever go to the movies or theater in a Spanish – speaking country, you will need to know some of the vocabulary listed below:
doblado – dubbed
subtítulos – subtitles
dibujos animados – cartoons
función (tanda in Costa Rica) – show (given at a specific time)
taquilla – box office
Feet, Feet and More Feet
Below are some idiomatic expressions using the Spanish words for feet. Some of them are very funny.
Note that “pata” which is an animal’s foot is often used in jest for “pie,” the correct word.
Meter la pata – to put your foot in your mouth
Estar con una pata en la tumba – to have one foot in the grave
Tener un pie acá
Shop Talk
If you have traveled in Latin America, you will probably have noticed words in stores’ windows or on signs that end in ería (pronounced air – EE-ah).
This suffix or ending is used in Spanish to name most stores and shops.
The following are the names of some stores in Spanish.
la tortillería – a tortilla factory