More tico gems

A gas pegado – full speed.  We also use a toda velocidad,  a toda máquina and a toda vela. Baldazo – a heavy rain. Aguacero is also used. El  Buen Pa – Slang for the women’s jail called the “Buen Pastor“ El colado – is a party crasher or someone who is not invited to an event Hacer una colecta – is to pass the hat to gather money or contributions. Pasar el sombrero (literally to pass the hat) is also used. Gogrin – slang for gringo. Ticos like to play with words and talk backwards. For instance, instead of saying feo (ugly) we say ofe. Guaca – booty or money that is robbed Jalarle las orejas – to pull someone’s ears or to scold. The verb regañar also means to scold. La escencia no viene en barriles – literally mens that perfume doesn’t come in barrels. Really means, “big things come in little packages” Ponerle camisa de madera – literally to put a wooden shirt on someone. This expression really means to put someone in a coffin or kill them. Robar cámara – is to try and be the center of attention of a photo or appear in every photo Sacar caja – to flex one’s chest proudly. To be chesty. Sobre – literally means envelope but this term is also used for bed. Tirarse a la pista – to dance. Quemar callos (to burn callouses)  and mover el esqueleto (move your skeleton) are also used. Vacilar – to deceive. Engañar means the same thing Tico expression of the week: =&0=&– used when a person looks very bad or sad. What this expression really means is….. lend me you sad face so that I can go to the park to beg for money because my appearance is sure to make people pity me.