Botarse – to be free spending. We also say gastar a manos llenas.
Broncón – a big mess
Estar solo – to be a class of one’s own, to be unique or to be crazy
Comerse la bronca – to be in trouble
Comerse la presa – to be caught in a traffic jam
El tamal
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Angelitos or niños – slang for criminals
Brumoso – A person who lives in the city of Cartago, Costa Rica or a fan of city’s football team. The people from Cartago are also called cartagineses or paperos. The latter means potato people because a lot of potatoes are grown in the area,
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Boggear – to ride a boogieboard
Catrineado – to dress well
Contentera – happiness
Estar pilas – to be on top of things. Estar en todas means the same thing.
Fuleado – to be full
Gajo – an old car
Jamón – something that is
Another study shows benefits of being a bilingual adult
By the A.M. Costa Rica wire services
Older adults who’ve spoken two languages since childhood have a distinct cognitive edge over their monolingual peers, according to a new study.
Previous studies have shown bilingualism seems to favor the development of heightened mental skills. The new research, published in Neuroscience, provides evidence
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Carne de tabo – jail meat in the sense of a prisoner who is worthless like cannon fodder. Carne de presidio is also sometimes used.
Darle un empujón – literally means to push something or someone but we use it here to describe when you help someone.
(el) Fut – slang for futbol or soccer