A telenovela or novela is a Spanish language soap opera. Telenovelas seem to be the opiate of the masses in Latin America. The first telenovelas were produced in Brazil, Cuba and Mexico in the 1950s. The most popular ones last about an hour and appear Monday through Friday evenings (7 to 10 PM) on most Spanish
All eyes beginning to turn to South Africa and FÚTBOL
Special to A.M. Costa Rica
With the World Cup just 18 days away the interest in soccer here is really heating up. The Cup is contested every four years and is the Super Bowl of soccer. This year’s edition of the cup will be held in South Africa. Retirees in Costa Rica are bound to become interested in soccer or fútbol as it is called in the Spanish-speaking
In Costa Rica, We Speak Spanish
*Courtesy of Inside Costa Rica
The Arizona immigration law controversy is spilling into others states, like Alabama where gubernatorial candidate Tim James, in an attempt to boost his ratings in the polls, by coming out with a television ad “we speak English in Alabama”, promising that driver’s license testing in that state will be only in English
Some expressions to give a foothold in Spanish
Feet are used in many Spanish expressions.
There are many uses of the words feet and foot in idiomatic expressions. The word for foot in Spanish is el pie, pronounced (pee-ay). The word pata is generally used to refer to the leg on a piece of furniture or an animal’s foot.
However, in jest pata is sometimes used to refer to a human’s feet.
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Whether you like it or not the rainy season is now upon us. Anyone who lives here knows that in Costa Rica there are more rainy months than dry months. The rainy season or invierno, usually runs from May to November but this can vary from year to year. At times, there is an unseasonably dry spell or Indian summer at the end of June. The Costa Ricans