Of Urges and Cravings

Antojar is a verb that has a variety of uses and is difficult for beginners to master. This should stat you on your way.

A su antojo – to do as one pleases
Quiero hacerlo a mi antojo – I want to do it my way

Antojar – to crave, to take a sudden fancy to; to Imagine
Se me antojó bastante dificil read more

Easter-related sayings

In my column about Easter last week I forgot the Easter-related sayings or dichos below. Remember that la Pascua de Resurrección or la Pascua florida mean Easter in Spanish. By the way, la pascua de los hebreos is Passover.

Estar como unas pascuas or más alegre que unas pascuas – to be very happy
Hacerle la pascua a read more