Achicarse – to back down, chicken out or choke in sports
Acobardarse – to chicken out
Apendejarse – to act like coward
Asustarse – to get frightened or scared
Asustado – scared
Asustante – scary (adjective)
Comfortable and Uncomfortable
Acomodador: an usher in a theater
Acomodar: to seat someone in a theater
Acomodar: to put in place. For example : Acomoda bien las maletas en el carro (Put the suitcases carefully in the car)
Acomodarse: to adapt oneself. For example: él se acomodó a las circunstancias (He adapted to the circumstances)
Arañar la superficie – to scratch the surface
Bocón – a big mouthed person
Buen conversador – a good talker
Cotorra – a chatterbox
Cotorrear – to jabber away
Dos palabras – a short conversation
Tener mucha labia – to be a good talker
Hablar a gritos –
Politics…La Política
Alcalde: mayor
Alcaldesa: female mayor
Aprobación: approval
Apoyo: support
Aprobar: to approve
Cabildear: to lobby
Cabildeo: lobbying
Cabildero: lobbyist
Congreso: congress
Conservador: conservative
Debate: a debate
Debatir: to debate
Derechista: rightist
¡Santo cielo! (My god!)
Since we are in holy week or Semana Santa the follow is appropriate.
Here are some of the definitions of the word santo: Perfect and free of sin. A person declared as such by the Church. A virtuous person. Said of a something that is dedicated to God or a holy service. Said of something that is venerated. Describing a religious