Pensar (to think) is used in a variety of expressions.
Adivinar el pensamiento – to guess what someone is thinking // Leer la mente is also used (to read someone’s mind)
Cuando menos lo piensa –
Pensar (to think) is used in a variety of expressions.
Adivinar el pensamiento – to guess what someone is thinking // Leer la mente is also used (to read someone’s mind)
Cuando menos lo piensa –
A cara descubierta – openly
¡alegra su cara! – Cheer up!
Asomar la cara – to show one’s face
Caersele la cara de vergüenza – to be ashamed
Cara – a side of a record
Barrigón – pot belly
A la gringa the American way
Agringarse to be very Americanized in terms of habits or customs
Aticarse – to become very Costa Rican in terms of your habits or customs
Aticado/a same as the last one
Caripálida paleface