Below are some phrases which mean to get lost, take a hike, go to hell or even much worse. Be careful NOT use the offense expressions I have pointed out or you may end up in an embarrassing or dangerous life-threatening situation. ¡Cuidadito! (Be careful!). By the way, many of these expressions are common in Costa Rica, but the locals
Shortened words in spanish
In Spanish some words are shortened in everyday conversations just like we do in English. For example we often use bike instead of bicycle or frig instead of refrigerator.
Here is the list of the most common shortened words.
El cole – from colegio (high school)
El compa – from compadre (pal)
Pachuquismos Continued
¡Un toque! – Very quickly
Vacilar – to make fun of someone
Vacilón – fun, funny
¡Varas! – Just kidding
¡vaya jalando! – Get the hell out of here!
Vibra – vibes …like a person has good or bad vibes
Vieras – You
Pachuco 101 Continued
Rajar – to brag. Jactarse is also used.
Rajón – a bragger
Ranchar – to vomit. Botar el rancho is also used.
Ratada – a bad experience
Rayar – to fail a test in school or pass another car on the highway
Reventado/reventada – physically attractive
Pachuco 101 Continued
¡Qué color! – What a shame, mess
¡Qué dicha! – How good!
¡Qué madre! – What a disappointment
¿Qué me decís? – How are you? or ¿Cómo está usted?
¡Qué jeta! – Shut up!
¿Qué tiene? – What’s matter with it?
¡Qué montón – Big deal! Used to discourage someone.